its 1:36 am right now and uploaded video from halloween
i got invited to a halloween party last night and went. i didnt really do anythi g but it was nice i guess :p
nothing today. boring
class was canceled today but i was really exhausted. hope im not sick
i think i might be sick. i got a stuffy nose earlier today and have one right now. no hunting today. where would i even hunt?? i dont know anywhere to hunt so i guess i have to do some searching
today i had to meet up with classmates to film a thing. felt kind of nauseous (maybe bcs i was spinnign aroujnd in a chair) but i also heard there was a stomach bug going around so like im kind of nervous. i rlly do not want to puke in school and miss classes. finals r coming so its rlly important. i also just realized i put 11/4 on accident XD
stressed a bit. was up very late last night. I have a project due by 12 tn and im struggling so hard to focus ughhhh
i was gonna record something while i was out but i forgot my sd card. dumb. maybe tmw
ive been trying out new music and listenitg to0 it while working. im so fucjing exhuasted but i dont wnqat ot sleepoikhj m FUCJK
happy veterans day!!! hope ur all doing well
i have 3 hours to complete this 3 page essay about ethos and pathis and whatevree fuvcksrjsrjsdksdkuw4hejkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i dont know
very tired. i havent gotten a good sleep in forever. thanksgiving break next week though :D
sorry for the not postng ive been home with family. its been nice and im actually getting a good sleep for once
back at school and tired again
finals all next week so probably not a lot of posts BUT i do have a video (if i ever get around to uploadingnit)
been a long time hope you guys are all doing well! ill give a bigger update tomorow
well that ended up not happening! yeah so i ended up getting a cold and as of now im in florida. HAPPY NEWS YEARS ALSO!!!!!!!!! wishing you all a wonderful 2011!!! cant wait to see whats in store!! maybe ill write something when i get home from the trip. or ill forget again!
ok well i had a nice vacation. got to go to my parents place in florida. never really recorded anything but took some pics. now im back at school. i have to confess that i fell asleep multiple times in every class i had today. been up really late. i have a ton of vids recorded on my cam but i just never get around to uploading
lots of work to do